Design and characterization report of the THz circuits WP WP5 Number D5.1 Due Month Sun, 06/30/2024 - 12:00 [TIMES]_D5.1_Design_Characterization_of_THz_Circuits _v1.pdf (10.48 MB)
Intermediate Report on Standardization, Dissemination and Exploitation Activities WP WP7 Number D7.2 Due Month Sun, 06/30/2024 - 12:00 TIMES_D7.2_v2.0.pdf (583.44 KB)
TIMES Mid-Project Report WP WP1 Number D1.3 Due Month Sun, 06/30/2024 - 12:00 TIMES_D1.3_TIMES Mid-Project Report_v1.0.pdf (488.13 KB)
Intermediate report on multi-goal mesh network optimization and exploitation of smart propagation environments WP WP4 Number D4.2 Due Month Sun, 06/30/2024 - 12:00 TIMES_D4.2_Multi-goal mesh network optimization_v1.0.pdf (15.38 MB)
Intermediate report on PHY layer enhancements for THz links supporting sensing and communication functionalities WP WP4 Number D4.1 Due Month Sat, 12/30/2023 - 12:00 TIMES_D4.1_PHYLayer.pdf (7.26 MB)
Initial channel measurements in industrial environments at sub-THz frequencies WP WP3 Number D3.1 Due Month Mon, 10/30/2023 - 12:00 TIMES_D3.1_Initial channel measurements_v2.0.pdf (8.43 MB)
Definition of scenarios and KPI for hardware demonstration and PoC WP WP2 Number D2.3 Due Month Thu, 08/31/2023 - 12:00 TIMES_D2.3_Definition of the scenarios and KPI for HW demonstration and PoC_v1.0.pdf (5.54 MB)
Definition of scenarios for software simulation WP WP2 Number D2.2 Due Month Thu, 08/31/2023 - 12:00 TIMES_D2.2_Definition of scenarios for software simulation_v1.0.pdf (1.23 MB)
Definition of use cases, KPIs, and scenarios for channel measurements WP WP2 Number D2.1 Due Month Fri, 06/30/2023 - 12:00 TIMES_D2.1_Use cases KPIs and scenarios for ch meas_v2.0.pdf (4.11 MB)
Project Website WP WP1 Number D1.1 Due Month Tue, 01/31/2023 - 12:00 [TIMES]_WP1_D1.1_ProjectWebsite_v1.0.pdf (744.88 KB)